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タヒチの人々にとってティアレは、日本人にとってのお米のようなもの。つまり文化の象徴ともいうべき存在。タヒチの国花として美しい星形のティアレは、空港に降り立った観光客全員に手渡される。一度匂いをかいだだけで、もう一生タヒチ […]


しかし一体なぜ花や植物なのか? それは、実感を持っていえる。これらが生命のエネルギー光線を発するからだ。タヒチの田舎を散歩しているときも、青々とした植物に囲まれた海岸沿いをぶらぶら歩いているときも、何となく庭でくつろいでいるときも、どんなときも植物がもつエネルギーの力を感じることができる。この島のどこにいようとも、花のパワーがいつでも僕たちを活気づけてくれるのだ。タヒチを去って最初に気づくのは、花のエネルギーがないということ。もちろんほかの場所でも、自然に囲まれていればこのパワーを感じることができるけれど、タヒチで感じたのは、その何百倍ものパワーだった。そう考えれば、なぜタヒチの人々があれほど緑を熱望するかを理解することができる。今回の旅は、そんなタヒチの花の、緑の魅力に迫る旅だった。

The Island of Flowers
The Tiare is to Tahitians what kome (rice) is to Japanese: an icon for their entire culture. Tiare, the official flower of Tahiti, is white, has a beautiful star shape, and it is offered to every visitor upon their arrival in Tahiti. Catch a single whiff of the flower and you are Tahitianized for life. Men and women alike wear the tiare. Men place it behind their ear before it opens. Women wear the open flower. The tiare flower is also used in making monoi oil, which Tahitians rub on their skin for both medical and beauty care on pretty much a daily basis from the time they are born to the time they die.
Yes, daily flower care! Tahitians cannot relax unless they are surrounded by flowers and plants. A typical Tahitian house, besides having a beautiful garden, will also have flower-patterned curtains, furniture, plastic flowers hanging from the walls, cut flowers in a vase, and bottles of monoi oil. The residents of the house wear paleo flower-patterned dresses, keep tiare in their hair, boast hibiscus tattoos, and jewelry woven from coconut fiber. They are sure to keep some tamanu oil in their medicine cabinet at the ready. Quite literally, Tahiti is the flower country.
Why all these flowers and plants? Because they send out beams of life energy. You can feel the power of the plants’ energy everywhere, whether you are walking in the Tahitian countryside, taking a stroll along a beach covered in lush vegetation, or just hanging out in a garden. No matter where you find yourself on this island, the power of flowers is always energizing you. Leaving Tahiti, the first thing you notice is the absence of flower energy. Of course, if you surround yourself with nature in other places you would also feel this power. But imagine that power multiplied many times over and you can understand why the Tahitians are so keen on their green.
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