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世界でいちばん大事なものはなにか?と訊かれたら、僕はまず愛と応えるだろう。次に挙げるのはおいしい食事、音楽、温泉、そして、新しい刺激にふれること。しかしこの質問に対し、しばらく考える時間があれば、僕は間違いなく「水」と言 […]


つまり僕らの生命に「水」は欠かせない。ということは周知の事実だが、あらためて「水」について考える時間をどれだけの人がもっているだろうか? 「水」が貴重なものであることを、どれだけの人が意識しているだろうか? 地球上の水のうち飲むことのできる水は、たったの3.5%しかない。たいていの水は凍っているからだ。「No Music No Life」。それはたしかだが、「No Water No Life」、これは誰もが認める事実である。いまこそ、僕らは「水」のことを真剣に考えなければならない。
Healthy, Clean Water in Switzerland
If someone asked me what are the most important things in the world, I would quickly answer: love, a great meal, listening to good music, a nice warm onsen, learning something new, and so on. But if you gave me five minutes to ponder the question deeply, there is no doubt my answer would be water!
After all, we as humans are born from water. Our body is 60% water. In one day 1,400 liters of water flow through our brain and every minute four liters of water are pumped around our bodies. We require 3-5 liters of water a day to live a healthy life and if we were to go with no water for over four days, we would die.
So it’s pretty clear that water is pretty darn important. Yet, the catch is that none of us really spend much time thinking about water, and because of this, few of us realize the importance of water. Even fewer of us realize the scarcity of water. Only 3.5% of the earth’s water is drinkable and much of that is frozen. No Music, No Life – to be honest, we’ll live. But No Water, No Life – this is a crystal clear reality. It’s time to start thinking about water.
The PAPERSKY crew traveled to Switzerland, home to the world’s healthiest and cleanest water. In Switzerland people realize that water has both healing properties as well as the ability to have a positive affect on our mental state. Clean, mineral rich water literally makes our lives better.
The Swiss have an amazing system of natural pools in the middle of their biggest cities. In this issue we visited a good number of them in Zurich. The Swiss also have for hundreds of years realized the health benefits of bathing in mineral rich water. In our Crystal-Clear Water Guide we’ve visited a few of the nicest ones. We also visited Passugger, the Swiss source of what may well be the world’s healthiest and best tasting water on earth.
So take a trip to Switzerland, then take a sip and next take a dip. Welcome to the world’s top water country!
» Editor’s Note リスト