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フィーカなしにスウェーデンはない!|Editor’s Note #55

“フィーカ”とは、スウェーデンの言葉でコーヒーを飲む時間、つまりお茶の時間のこと。スウェーデンの人々は、朝でも、昼下がりでも、夕方でも、夜でも、いつでもフィーカをする。家で、職場で、カフェで、家族や友人、同僚、それからこ […]


このシンプルな行為には、じつは文化的な意味合いもあって、思想的な要素も含まれている。フィーカはスウェーデンの社会や文化のなかで育まれた習慣のひとつで、質の高い時間を確保するための方法。そう、スウェーデンの人々には毎日、フィーカの時間が与えられているのだ! 1日に2回でも、もっと多くてもいい。フィーカは、単にコーヒーを飲むというだけでなく、生活をより豊かにするための口実でもある。だから政府や企業がフィーカを積極的に取り入れることを推奨しているのだ。スウェーデンの企業は、毎日10時と15時ごろ、フィーカの時間を取ることを義務づけられている。
No Fika! No Sweden.
To ‘FIKA’ is a Swedish concept, meaning simply ‘to have coffee’. ‘Fika’ happens at any time, morning, afternoon, evening and night. Fika can be savoured at home, at work or in a cafe. It can be with colleagues, family, friends, or someone you are trying to get to know.
While the act of ‘fika-ing’ is simple; the cultural connotations associated with ‘fika’ are complexly enlightening. To ‘fika’ is a Swedish social and cultural phenomenon, a legitimate reason to set aside a moment for quality time. Yes, quality time for each and every Swede! Everyday! Two or more times a day. To ‘fika’ is not just to drink coffee it’s literally a guise for living a good life; accepted and respected by individuals, the state and corporations alike. Most Swedish companies require workers to take two ‘fika’s’ daily one at 10:00am and another at 3:00pm.
Fika is not just coffee! The accompanying sweets are crucial. Cinnamon buns (Kanelbulle), cakes, cookies (seven types no more, no less), and even open-faced sandwiches are common ‘fika’ fare. The most standard ‘fika’ drink is coffee, but tea or cordials are popular drinks as well. ‘Fika’ food is usually served on ceramic plates and drinks are usually drank in small cups decorated with colorful Stig Lindberg designs, flowers or just simple white porcelain.
At work, ‘fika’ meetings unlike conventional meetings are commonly a geyser of ideas as thoughts flow without the formalities, nervousness, and sterility of ‘normal’ meetings. And ‘fika’ meetings have the added benefit of making it easier for quieter types to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts as well.
When done properly ‘fika’ creates both a mental and physical high for each participant. A series of moments of sharing, staring and daring your fellow ‘fika’ partners to enjoy the instance of authentic quality with you. And ‘fika’ is about basking in the warm and fuzzy feeling of relaxation and contentment that comes from ‘good company’, ‘kind companionship’, ‘wholesome sweets,’ and ‘well brewed caffeine’.