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ジローラモさんの町 | ナポリのファミリーたち(No.9)

「おい、あんたジローラモ知ってるか?」ナポリの東側、古い住宅街にひしめく建物の間を縫うように続く狭い小径に、住民たちの洗濯物がずらりと干されるという光景で知られる庶民的な下町地区「スパッカ・ナポリ」。僕たちが撮影している […]


さて、スパッカ・ナポリで遭遇した土産物屋の主人は、ジローラモ氏の著書「極楽イタリア人になる方法」(ワニ文庫) を店の奥からゴソゴソと持ち出すと僕に手渡し、ここを読んでくれ、と指差した。そのページには数行の文章に赤線がひいてあり、どうやらここがこの主人について書いてある箇所らしいのだ。読んだところで日本語の判らない彼に理解できるわけがない、と僕は同行したエディターのジョセフに伝えたが、彼が「読んでやれよ」と言うので、僕は奇妙な気分でその部分を声に出して読んだ。僕の訳の判らない日本語を聞きながら、納得したように、誇らしげに深々と領く主人の表情は、僕の心に深く焼き付いて離れないものとなった。
Text: 井出幸亮
PAPERSKY No.9 Naples Family ナポリのファミリーたち
April 2004
Girolamo’s Town | NAPLES | EDITOR’S NOTE -9
Spaccanapoli is a popular downtown neighborhood in Naples, famous for its long narrow lanes that crisscross historic residential neighborhoods festooned with drying laundry. While we were shooting there, the owner of a religious art shop suddenly approached us. “Hey you , do you know Girolamo?” he asked. The Girolamo he was speaking of is Girolamo Panzetta, a famous television personality in Japan. He was born in Naples, and evidently he is a friend of the shop owner.
For many Japanese people, Girolamo is Italy. He was the first “real” Itailan icon to appear on the scene.The persona he presents on TV is the stereotypical image of a merry, chatty Italian, but to be fair, it is one that is appropriate for a good number of Naples’ residents. About another typically Italian character trait Girolamo once wrote,“southern Italians value their families greatly.” Girolamo’s sentiment brings to mind a scene from the 1972 classic “The Godfather” in which Marlon Brando’s mafia boss character gives the advice, “ spend time with your family!” The characters in the movie are depicted as rather exaggerated caricatures, with their vows of family allegiance, but in Naples, deep familial bonds, the kind that make one think that maybe those distorted families seen in mobster movies are real , actually exist. A pizzeria that we visited boasts 21 siblings working together in the business. Theirs is one of numerous small communities that are made up of people working in shops and professions that are handed down over generations. The history of these families is not fabricated or generalized. Rather, it is made of real , individual memories. This is the kind of history that I believe in.
The shopkeeper that we met in Spaccanapoli shuffled around the back of the store and brought out a Japanese copy of Panzetta Girolamo’s How to be Italian (Wani Bunko). He handed it to me and ordered me to read. I opened it and inside found several lines underlined in red marking a passage that seemed to be about the shopkeeper himself. When I mentioned to Joseph, another editor who was with me in Italy, that the shopkeeper wouldn’t understand my Japanese, he said,“Just read it!” So, feeling a little strange, I read it aloud. As the man listened to my words in a language that he couldn’t understand he nodded his head in agreement. His expression of happiness and contentment will forever be burned deeply into my heart.
Text: Kosuke Idee
PAPERSKY No.9 Naples Family – Italy’s Living Room City
April 2004